I work in the oilfields on the north slope in Alaska. Literally in the Arctic up here. Normal winter temperatures reach -70 and lower in the long winters up here. I have tried almost every cold weather mask out there and this one blows the others away. It works and it works well. Don't waste any money on other cheap masks because they don't work and your goggles or safety eye wear in my case will just fog up and freeze up. But not with this mask. It keeps them free and clear of fog and ice buildup all day long. I bought one last winter and I was hoping they would make an FRC version and I just learned that they do now. So I'm going to track on of the FRC ones down and try it this winter. It's September up here and already getting cold. Single digits and the snow is building up.
Nathan Bundy on Sep 30, 2015
"I've wanted to thank your company for this amazing mask."
I bought mine about 5 or 6 years ago because I have severe asthma and the cold air during winter would set me off and make me very sick so I got it so I could go out at night and do stuff but my life has changed a lot since then. The main reason I am writing is because this mask has allowed me to not only climb but summit two of the world's 7 summits by wearing this mask day and night. I have been able to push my body and my mind further then I've ever been able to because this mask has made it where I don't have to worry about my asthma. I'll probably upgrade from the basic one since I've had it for so long and I'm pushing myself harder and further then ever before. Thank you all for making it easier for me to explore.
Coo Dy | The Woodlands, Texas
"I have asthma…"
I have asthma and have been watching out the window when my wife or daughter snow blows the driveway because of the cold air. When it usually got below 25 degrees I would make it a point to stay in the house and in Chicago, that was most of the winter. I have been out in below zero temperature wearing the mask to the car and then removing it once I’m in the car and then putting it back on before I get out of the car to walk into the house or store. This mask has given me my life back in the winter. The only down side is now “I” go out with the mask on and snow blow the driveway even when it’s cold and my wife watches out the window from inside the house. All joking aside, it makes a guy feel pretty bad watching out the window as his wife snow blows the driveway and now I can smile and tell her stay in the warm house and I will take care of the driveway.