Designed by a Physician
The ColdAvenger face mask was designed by a physician to protect his lungs and airways from the damaging effects of cold, dry winter air while on the ski slopes. The unique ventilator was designed to provide airway warmth and humidity, unrestricted breathing, and facial skin protection, features critical to protecting lungs and airways in cold weather.
Helps Those With Respiratory Conditions Enjoy Winter
People with a variety of respiratory diseases including asthma, chronic cough, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic bronchitis, cold weather rhinitis, cold induced nasal hyper-reactivity, rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, and nasal burning that occur from exposure to cold air have provided unsolicited testimonials extolling ColdAvenger’s benefits. Individuals with cardiovascular disease have also expressed positive benefits from ColdAvenger’s micro-climate of comfort in testimonials regarding the products use in cold weather.
Helps Promote Airway Health
The ColdAvenger protects facial skin, allows unrestricted breathing and creates a warm and humid "microclimate of comfort." According to the American College of Sports Medicine, a counter measure for decreasing the occurrence of cold related airway damage, exercise induced asthma and decreased performance is to protect facial skin while increasing the warmth and humidity of inhaled air without decreasing airway resistance when breathing rates are high. (Prevention of Cold Injuries During Exercise, Position Stand, American College of Sports Medicine, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2006; 38:2012-2029).