ColdAvenger cold weather face masks do more than just cover your face.  By humidifying and gently warming each breath, ColdAvenger face masks help protect your airways from drying.  ColdAvenger masks also help maintain core temperatures and reduce cold stress.

Humidifying airways is important for mitigating symptoms associated with Asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions.  The ColdAvenger cold weather face mask was invented by a physician with asthma who designed a face mask which does more than just cover your face.  This simple piece of outdoor gear will allow you to improve your lifestyle in the cold, while helping protect you from potential asthma flare-ups.

Talk to your doctor today and ask them how a ColdAvenger mask can help you in cold environments.  You will find ColdAvenger masks may be the difference between going outside in the winter and being stuck on the couch. 

Check out our products here.

ColdAvenger Face Masks