Thomas Ehmke

German ultra-marathoner Thomas Ehmke is at home in the toughest conditions. Look for him in all the top ultra marathons throughout Europe. We are proud to have him on board...
John Sullivan

Bret Wydysh

Wydysh is a respiratory therapist at the University of Utah medical center and is also working toward his AE-C asthma educator credential. He also has first-hand experience in living with...
John Sullivan

Michael & Serenity Coyne

Lifelong mountain sport athletes, their love for each other & sense of adventure takes them on expeditions all over the world raising money & awareness for charity & fighting heart...
John Sullivan
Tagged: winter athletes

Bonnie Gagnon

Bonnie Gagnon is a dedicated mother of four children and an avid racer, bodybuilder, triathlete. She is from Newport Beach, California but now lives in Eagan, Minnesota. She is set...
John Sullivan